
The Consumer Data Standards program is just one part of a larger cross-government collaboration designed to give Australian consumers greater control over their data. There are a number of useful sources providing background information about the Consumer Data Right, and outlining next steps.


The Consumer Data Standards Program is producing a range of reports and outputs from workshops and research.

See Reports


Consultations are published on Github and on this website. The community is encouraged to provide feedback on consultations relating to the Consumer Data Standards when the feedback period is open.

See consultations

This video describes the details of the consultation process:

Data Standards Advisory Committee

The role of the Data Standards Advisory Committee is to support the Chair of the Data Standards Body within the scope of the Government’s Consumer Data Right.

Further info

This video describes the roles of the Data Standards Chair and the Data Standards Body:

Consultative Groups

A Consultative Group would be established by the Data Standards Chair as a group to provide advice to the Chair on the development of standards.

View Consultative Groups

This video describes the roles of the Data Standards advisory committees, consultative groups and working groups:

Engagement Channels

If you would like to participate in any of our discussions or provide any feedback, email contact@consumerdatastandards.gov.au. See below for links to our resources, communication channels, and media materials. The video below presents the DSB Calendar - a platform that provides a full calendar of forthcoming DSB events and important dates.

Data Standards Body video channel on YouTube Follow Data Standards Body on LinkedIn for updates and announcements DSB Event Calendar on Trumba Platform