DSB | End of Week Wrap Up | 30th of October

Dear Consumer Data Right participants and other interested parties,

Happy Friday all, here is the end of the week update for the Consumer Data Standards.

Banking Product Comparator New Feature

We are pleased to announce a new feature on the Banking Product Comparator: Status and Outages. You are now able to view the Status and Outage for each selected organisation: https://consumerdatastandardsaustralia.github.io/banking-products-comparator/ 

To use this feature, look for the new Blue bar on the Comparator, select 'Status and Outages' and you can now view the results. The list of organisations is the same as those selected for Products, so you can easily switch between the features.

End of Year Break

We are interested in the communities view on when we should slow down over the End of Year and Seasonal Break, and when we should reconvene in the new year: https://us18.list-manage.com/survey?u=fb3bcb1ec5662d9767ab3c414&id=494a15580c

5th Maintenance Iteration

The Data Standards Body and the community have been working together on the scope for the 5th Maintenance Iteration. You can find the scope presented on a GitHub Project Board: https://github.com/ConsumerDataStandardsAustralia/standards-maintenance/projects/4

Note the Maintenance Iteration working group meet fortnightly and is open to all participants. If you are interested in attending and contributing please reach out to contact@consumerdatastandards.gov.au

Rules of engagement for our GitHub Repositories

At the Data Standards Body we, are committed to undertaking conversations relating to the technical standards in the open. Questions or comments that participants might ask us via email or private message are likely to be questions or comments other participants have as well. Our answers will be of interest to everyone andt there are likely to be experiences and lessons everybody working in this ecosystem can learn from.

We ask that all contributors to the Consumer Data Standards repositories comply with the GitHub Community Forum Code of Conduct.


GitHub: Request for Clarification

For those who have been using the 'Request for Clarification' on our GitHub Maintenance Repository, we have now retired this support on GitHub. These requests are now moved to the CDR Support Portal. We will be updating the templates on GitHub to remove the current 'Request for Clarification' and provide pointers to visit our CDR Support Portal.

Lodge your Requests: https://cdr-support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new  or via email support@cdr-support.zendesk.com

Decision Proposals

A list of the current open Decision Proposals:

Cross Sectors

  • None at the moment.

Banking Sector

  • None at the moment

Energy Sector


Keep up to date with all our upcoming events here.

Upcoming workshops:

  • New workshops are being planned - watch this space!