Engineering Tools Overview


The Data Standards Body (DSB) Engineering team has developed a library of open-source technical artefacts to assist the CDR Community with CDR software development and implementation. The Engineering Team routinely enhances existing tools to align with the latest version of the standards and adds new tools based on the needs of the community.

The following tools are available:


Key Languages/ Technologies

Github Repository

Latest Version

Relevant Link(s)

Product Comparator Demo




Live Preview

Showcase on YouTube

Mock Data Holder (Java)



Aligned to CDS v1.29.1


Mock Data Holder (NodeJS)


mock-data-holder-nodejs Aligned to CDS v1.29.1  

JSON Schema Files



Aligned to CDS v1.29.1


Type Definition Library



Aligned to CDS v1.29.1

NPM Package

JS Holder SDK

Typescript, Javascript


Aligned to CDS v1.29.1

NPM Package

Demo Project in GitHub

Test Data Cli

Typescript, Javascript


Aligned to CDS v1.29.1

NPM Package

CDR Test Documentation

Typescript, HTML



Test Documentation

Postman Collections




Public Workspace


Product Comparator (demo)

The Product Comparator (demo) is a tool built by the Data Standards Body as a proof-of-concept to showcase the feasibility and value of CDR’s public APIs. It discovers public details of Data Holder Brands from the CDR Register and calls the product reference data (PRD) APIs for viewing and comparing Data Holder products. Scheduled outages and other Data Holder information can also be obtained by calling the Status and Outages APIs.

This tool caters to diverse user groups with varying interests and needs. For example, developers working on integrating CDR APIs into their applications can use this demo as a reference implementation, while Product Owners and Marketers can explore how product information is presented through PRD APIs.

The Product Comparator (demo) is developed using React and JavaScript and is available in a public Github repository with a file providing instructions for installation. The codebase is updated from time to time to align with the latest version of the Consumer Data Standards. A live instance can be accessed at this link: Product Comparator (demo).

Any requested enhancements, bugs or other issues can be raised on the Product Comparator Demo repository.

Mock Data Holder (Java)

Mock Data Holder (Java), previously known as Java Artefacts, is a tailored Data Holder server reference implementation. It is designed to facilitate the Consumer Data Right (CDR) implementation journey by helping CDR participants to develop and test against a Mock  Data Holder system that supports multiple industries. It can be utilised to validate the proper structure of requests made to CDR APIs and to ensure that the responses align with the established Standards. Discover more about this tool in the file.

Any requested enhancements, bugs or other issues can be raised on the Mock Data Holder (Java) repository.

Mock Data Holder (NodeJS)

Mock Data Holder (NodeJS) is a reference implementation that has been developed to demonstrate how different components of the CDR ecosystem works together and to assist CDR participants in developing and testing Data Holder or Data Recipient systems. The system consist of a number of docker containers including a Mock Data Holder (NodeJS), an auth server, a Mock Data Recipient and a Mock Register. Read more about this exciting tool on the README file.

Any requested enhancements, bugs or other issues can be raised on the Mock Data Holder (NodeJS) repository.

JSON Schema Files

Discover a comprehensive collection of JSON schema files derived from the official published standards. These schema files hold remarkable utility across various contexts, serving as essential tools for JSON schema validation and providing clear, individual schema definitions whenever needed. Designed to empower diverse use cases, these JSON schema files are instrumental in ensuring the accuracy and integrity of data structures.

One notable application is the integration with the Ajv validator plugin, a crucial element utilised by the Data Standards Body (DSB) for API schema validation within Postman Collections.

Within this repository, users will discover an organised structure, with distinct folders categorised according to the Consumer Data Standards (CDS) release versions. Each directory contains a collection of JSON schema files meticulously extracted from the OpenAPI Swagger (OAS) definitions showcased within the esteemed CDS standards repository.

For example, to explore schema files related to to release version 1.17.0, navigate to the 1.17.0 folder on the repository's root directory.

Any requested enhancements, bugs or other issues can be raised on the DSB Schema Tools repository.

Type Definition Library

The CDS Type Definition Library is an essential open-source project aimed at facilitating seamless integration of Consumer Data standards into TypeScript applications. The project is a fork of the reputable DefinitelyTyped repository and provides an extensive collection of TypeScript declarations that align with the JSON schemas published by the Data Standards Body.

These TypeScript declarations enable TypeScript developers to align their code with the established standards and guidelines. They can be used in any Typescript applications, such as Angular, React TypeScript or NodeJS Typescript. Apart from ensuring the development of type safe code, this library provides the basis for IntelliSense in a number of development IDEs, such as VS Code.

The latest version of the type definition library is accessible through an NPM package on the NPM package registry.


npm install @types/consumer-data-standards

Any requested enhancements, bugs or other issues can be raised on the CDS DefinitelyTyped repository, maintained by the DSB.

JS Holder SDK

This innovative solution aims to streamline compliance with the Consumer Data Standards and empowers developers to maintain compliance effortlessly. Built to alleviate the complexities of adhering to technical requirements set by the Data Standards Body, this package offers a standardised and error-resistant approach. Seamlessly integrating into NodeJS and ExpressJS applications, the package serves as a ready-to-use boilerplate implementation for error handling across a multitude of API endpoints. By automating the generation of error payloads in the prescribed format, complete with designated error codes and specifications, it significantly reduces the risk of coding errors for repeatable actions.

The latest version of the Holder SDK is accessible through an NPM package on the NPM package registry.


npm install @cds-au/holder-sdk

Any requested enhancements, bugs or other issues can be raised on the JS Holder SDK repository.

Test Data Cli

CDR solutions are instrumental in realising the goals of the CDR framework, however the lack of readily available and diverse test datasets within the ecosystem has long been a hurdle for participants, causing a major roadblock to develop and deliver these applications and solutions.

Explore our Test Data Cli tool that addresses this issue head-on, offering a valuable resource to the community. Developed and consistently maintained by the Data Standards Body, this versatile tool showcases its ability to create synthetic datasets effortlessly. The datasets can be tailored to specific requirements using configurable option files. This enables developers to use these tailored datasets for testing, experimentation, or development purposes within their CDR projects.

The tool produces JSON files containing test datasets, making them universally compatible with any project and language. This powerful tool can be seamlessly integrated into any Node.js projects. The latest version of the Test Data Cli is accessible through an NPM package on the NPM package registry.


npm install @cds-au/testdata

Any requested enhancements, bugs or other issues can be raised on the Test Data Cli repository.

CDR Test Documentation

The CDR Test Documentation is a comprehensive resource dedicated to facilitating the testing of Consumer Data Standards APIs. It is specifically designed to assist developers, businesses, and organisations in ensuring compliance with data standards and fostering interoperability within the consumer data ecosystem. This documentation is an invaluable tool for those seeking to implement CDR APIs effectively.

The documentation serves as a foundation for the development of test suites specifically tailored to CDR APIs. It provides a structured framework that enables users to create comprehensive test suites matching their API integration requirements.

The API Test Documentation is logically structured into suites, scenarios, test cases, and assertions. This organisation simplifies navigation and ensures that users can easily locate the relevant information they need to test CDR APIs effectively.

The CDR API Test Documentation focuses on testing scenarios related to CDR APIs. These scenarios cover a wide range of aspects, ensuring that API implementations align with CDS standards and perform as expected in various contexts.

The CDR API Test Documentation, in both JSON and HTML formats, is accessible through the CDS standards-testing repository on GitHub. The individual JSON definitions for API test suites, assertions, and more can be found in the same repository's json-docs directory.

Additionally, the HTML implementation of the CDR API Test Documentation is hosted online and can be accessed here. Users can access it online, making it easy to view, search, and reference the API testing documentation from anywhere.

To further assist users in implementing CDR APIs effectively, the Data Standards Body (DSB) has provided examples and guidance on how to conduct API testing, with a focus on using the Postman tool. These resources complement the documentation and help users validate their CDR API implementations seamlessly.

Any requested enhancements, bugs or other issues can be raised on the Standards-testing repository.

Postman Collections

Our Postman Collections are more than just a repository of saved API requests; they can be key to streamlining CDR API testing for the participants. These collections offers valuable documentation and examples, fosters collaboration among developers, aids in compliance, simplifies debugging, supports version control for evolving standards, builds a sense of community support, and ultimately enhances the efficiency of CDR implementation efforts.

Explore these collections in the public Postman workspace DSB-Schema-Tests, where these collections leverage the seamless Postman-to-GitHub integration feature. The relevant Github repository, CDS dsb-postman, is maintained by the Data Standards Body where these collections are available for reference and collaboration.

These collections are versatile tools that empower CDR Participants to validate their CDR API endpoints. To achieve this, they can configure various parameters in a Postman environment file. Data Standards Body has provided the existing environments DSB Banking and DSB Energy as comprehensive guides for configuring the necessary parameters. These environments leverage a cloud-hosted version of our mock data holder, published in the CDS java-artefacts repository.

Our Postman Collections are thoughtfully organised into folders, grouping related API requests together. Within our current workspace, we have organised Postman Collections into three distinct categories: Banking, common, and energy. These folders contain numerous test scenarios and assertions as outlined in the CDR Test Documentation. Each collection serves as a blueprint, demonstrating one possible way to structure a test suite for a data holder. Dive into individual test cases, for instance T.EAR.0002, to see real-world implementations and code examples under the Test tab in Postman. Each test case in the Postman Collection links to the associated CDR Test Documentation scenario.


If you have any feedback on these tools or questions about them, feel free to contact the team by dropping an email to