DSB | End of Week Wrap Up | 26th of February

Dear Consumer Data Right participants and other interested parties,

Happy Friday all, here is the end of the week update for the Consumer Data Standards.

News and Announcements

Latest Standards, Consumer Experience, tooling and Consumer Data Right announcements.

Decision Proposal 168

Decision Proposal 168 has been published noting the decision to make a minor revision to CX Standard #18 - Withdrawing Authorisation: Redundant Data. Item 4 in Noting Paper 157 outlines this proposal, which removes an optional message in the standard to align with the v2 rules on separate consents.

Maintenance Iteration 6 - Voting

The backlog for the 6th Maintenance Iteration has been formed and we are now prioritising the scope. We request the community vote on which items to focus upon:

Voting is open until Wednesday 3rd of March 2021.

CDR Implementation Call

The CDR Implementation Call this week held a presentation on Joint Accounts by the ACCC on Thursday 25th of February 2021. You can find the link to the MIRO board: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lUYpY4g=/  or a PDF Version of the board: /public-implementation-call-ja-guidance/

Joint Account Workshop

The Workshop on Joint Accounts is filling up fast! We have released new spaces with capacity increased to 75 total. Please find the link to the registration here: This event has passed.

For the workshop we invite the CDR Community to conduct short presentations on how best to implement current and proposed Joint Accounts requirements.

Please refer to the Eventbrite for commencement time and link to the virtual workshop.

Finally, for this workshop we have enabled group registration for organisations and we do ask that no more than 2 members register from each.

Consultations Closing Soon

The following consultations close today :

Standards Version 1.7.0 Draft

The proposed changes for the Version 1.7.0 of the Consumer Data Standards have started to be drafted. You can view these here: https://github.com/orgs/ConsumerDataStandardsAustralia/projects/9

A placeholder for the release decision has been created: https://github.com/ConsumerDataStandardsAustralia/standards/issues/159

Decision Proposals and Noting Papers

A list of the current open Decision Proposals:

Cross Sectors

Banking Sector

  • None at the moment.

Energy Sector

  • None at the moment.

Noting Papers

Please be aware of a number of Noting Papers available for review on the Consumer Data Standards GitHub repository:

Workshops and Events

Find all our events here: /events/

Joint Accounts | Online Workshop 

  • Date: 2nd of March 2020
  • Start time: 1:00PM AEDT
  • Duration: 4 hours
  • Register: This event has passed.

CDR Implementation Call

Regularly held on a weekly basis and enables all community members access to subject matter experts from the ACCC and Data Standards Body. If you would like an invitation please reach out to contact@consumerdatastandards.gov.au

6th Maintenance Iteration

The 6th Maintenance Iteration is underway, you can find out more about the phases and scope of the Maintenance Iterations here: https://github.com/ConsumerDataStandardsAustralia/standards-maintenance. If you would like an invite please reach out to contact@consumerdatastandards.gov.au

Keep in touch

Sign up to our mailing list
If you would like to participate in any of our discussions or provide any feedback, you can do so via email to contact@consumerdatastandards.gov.au

Best regards,
The Data Standards Body