DSB | End of Week Wrap Up | 18th of March 2022

Dear Consumer Data Right participants and other interested parties,

Happy Friday all, here is the end of the week update for the Consumer Data Standards.

News and Announcements

Latest Standards, Consumer Experience, tooling and Consumer Data Right announcements.


Consumer Experience Guidelines Update

This week there have been three releases of the Consumer Experience Guidelines:

Change log for the Consumer Experience Guidelines: https://d61cds.notion.site/Change-log-9b4394a17b5c472783b66c155deacd71

Consumer Experience Guidelines: https://www.notion.so/d61cds/Consumer-Experience-Standards-and-Guidelines-dffe42d39d4942c5b4f2c7612ba4f6e0


Decision Proposal 240: ADR Metrics

Decision Proposal (DP) 240 on Accredited Data Recipient (ADR) Metrics has been published on the 16th of March 2022. This DP seels to determine whether an ADR hosted Get Metrics API that reports on Data Holder performance, from the perspective of an invoking client system, be added to the CDR standards and, if so, what form it should take.

Feedback closes: 15th of April 2022



February 2022 Workshop Videos

On the 22nd of February 2022 we held an introduction workshop. To support those unable to attend and the CDR Community. We have produced a number of videos from the Workshop, find the final two and playlist for all relevant videos:

The YouTube Playlist has all four videos listed together: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6muZ452PUhTphWJYSRf4Q5fSQ9S1OPB4

10th Maintenance Iteration update

The 10th Maintenance Iteration Working Group meet on 16th of Wednesday 2022. The agenda and updated meeting minutes can be found here: https://github.com/ConsumerDataStandardsAustralia/standards/wiki/DSB-Maintenance-Iteration-10:-Agenda-&-Meeting-Notes-(16-March-2022)#meeting-minutes

If you are wondering what the Maintenance Iteration is and the role this process plays: we have put together a short video introduction. Please see Video [15] Introduction to the Standards Maintenance Iteration (17/02/2022) https://youtu.be/AyJ7jEGICv0


Consumer Data Standards Version 1.16.1

The Data Standards Body are planning the release of Version 1.16.1 of the Consumer Data Standards on the 21st of March 2022 (formerly 18th of March 2022). Please note this date is indicative and subject to change. 


Design Paper - Stakeholder Forum

Treasury would like to invite you to participate in the Telecommunications Design Paper Online Stakeholder Forum which will be held at 3:30pm-5:00pm on Tuesday, 22 March 2022.

The online forum is an opportunity for discussion and feedback about the Telecommunications Design Paper which is open for consultation until 29 March 2022. Feedback on the Telecommunications Design Paper will shape the development of rules and standards to implement the CDR in the telecommunications sector. At the forum, Treasury will provide an overview of the rules and implementation considerations in the design paper and the Data Standards Body will give an overview of standards considerations.

Register your attendance

Please send your registration to data@treasury.gov.au to inform Treasury if you would like to participate in the online forum, and confirm the emails of nominated participants from your organisation. Treasury has endeavoured to include a wide group of interested parties including from the telecommunications sector, consumer groups and accredited data recipients. 

Meeting details and an agenda will be circulated in advance of the forum. Relevant government agencies will also be invited to attend.


Design Paper

Treasury and the Data Standards Body are seeking input on the development of rules and standards to implement the Consumer Data Right in the telecommunications sector. To support consultation and elicit informal feedback on these issues, a design paper is available for stakeholders’ consideration.

We invite all participants in the Consumer Data Right to raise queries and submit their feedback below:

GitHub Consultation: https://github.com/ConsumerDataStandardsAustralia/standards/issues/235

Link to key consultation documents: https://treasury.gov.au/consultation/c2022-250645

Feedback on this consultation closes on 29 of March 2022


Next weeks To-Do

Coming up next week to keep the CDR Community on top of events, consultations closing and working groups:

  • CDR Implementation Call 24th of March 2022

Decision Proposals and Noting Papers

A list of the current open Decision Proposals:

Cross Sectors

Banking Sector

  • None at the moment.

Energy Sector

  • None at the moment.

Noting Papers

Please be aware of a number of Noting Papers available for review on the Consumer Data Standards GitHub repository.

  • None at the moment.

Workshops and Events

Find all our events here: https://consumerdatastandards.gov.au/events/

Coming soon.


CDR Implementation Call

Regularly held on a weekly basis and enables all community members access to subject matter experts from the ACCC and Data Standards Body. If you would like an invitation please reach out to contact@consumerdatastandards.gov.au


Maintenance Iterations

The 10th Maintenance Iteration is currently underway. The working group meet on a fortnightly basis.

You can find out more about the phases and scope of the Maintenance Iterations here: https://github.com/ConsumerDataStandardsAustralia/standards-maintenance. If you would like an invite please reach out to contact@consumerdatastandards.gov.au

Keep in Touch

Sign up to our mailing list
If you would like to participate in any of our discussions or provide any feedback, you can do so via email to contact@consumerdatastandards.gov.au.