Decision Proposal 196 - Candidate DER End Points

This consultation is presenting recommendations for DER Data payload and URIs and is based on AEMO’s DER Register. The DER register is a national database of information about DER devices installed across Australia at residential or business locations. It contains information about small generation assets like rooftop solar, grid-connected batteries and other small generators.

Distributed Energy Resources (DER) are renewable energy devices or systems that are usually found at houses or businesses to provide them with power. They are also known as “behind the meter” resources as the electricity is generated or managed ‘behind’ the electricity meter in the home or business. Common examples of DER include rooftop solar PV units, battery storage, electric vehicles and chargers, smart meters, and home energy management technologies.

The demand for DER in Australia is growing rapidly with the Electricity Network Transformation Roadmap estimating that by 2050 DER may contribute up to 45 per cent of Australia’s electricity generation capacity making this a very valuable data set.

This is the last of the AEMO designated data sets and as with previous AEMO datasets, has been prepared with their assistance along with feedback from previous public consultations. You can view and contribute to the Decision Proposal 196 - Candidate DER End Points here on GitHub.
