DSB | End of Week Wrap Up | 19th of March

Dear Consumer Data Right participants and other interested parties,

Happy Friday all, here is the end of the week update for the Consumer Data Standards.

News and Announcements

Latest Standards, Consumer Experience, tooling and Consumer Data Right announcements.

Decision Proposal 165 - Brand Aware Metrics

This decision proposal provides options for modifying the metrics endpoints in the standards to accommodate multiple data holder brands supported by a single entity.

Feedback is now open for this proposal. Feedback is planned to be closed on Friday 16th April 2021.
Link: https://github.com/ConsumerDataStandardsAustralia/standards/issues/165

Decision Proposal 144 - Amending Consent | Authorisation Flow

A final revision to Decision Proposal 144 is now open for consultation.

The purpose of this proposal is to allow the community to review the final position and provide feedback before the decision is submitted to the Data Standards Chair for approval.

Feedback on Decision Proposal 144 is open for one week and will close on Friday, 26th March 2021.

Link: https://github.com/ConsumerDataStandardsAustralia/standards/issues/144

Brands in the Consumer Data Right Ecosystem

This week the ACCC Register Team posted an article on "Brands in the Consumer Data Right Ecosystem". This was further featured in the CDR Implementation Call during this week's presentation on White Labels from Ivan Hosgood and Mark Verstege. Please take the time to review and provide feedback to the article.

Link: https://cdr-support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/900005881263-Brands-in-the-Consumer-Data-Right-Ecosystem

Articles of the week

A new segment for the weekly newsletter. Our most viewed and voted articles for the week are:

Draft Energy Standards Cycle 2

With the first cycle of feedback concluded and incorporated into Version 1.7.0 of the Consumer Data Standards: https://consumerdatastandardsaustralia.github.io/standards/draft/energy-draft.html

The second round of feedback has commenced on the Draft Energy Standards, we ask all feedback to be submitted on Decision Proposal 173

Link to Decision Proposal 173: https://github.com/ConsumerDataStandardsAustralia/standards/issues/173

Consultations Closing Soon

The following consultations close today :

  • None this week.

Decision Proposals and Noting Papers

A list of the current open Decision Proposals:

Cross Sectors

Banking Sector

  • None at the moment.

Energy Sector

Noting Papers

Please be aware of a number of Noting Papers available for review on the Consumer Data Standards GitHub repository:

Workshops and Events

Find all our events here: /events/

New events coming soon.

CDR Implementation Call

Regularly held on a weekly basis and enables all community members access to subject matter experts from the ACCC and Data Standards Body. If you would like an invitation please reach out to contact@consumerdatastandards.gov.au

6th Maintenance Iteration

The 6th Maintenance Iteration is underway, you can find out more about the phases and scope of the Maintenance Iterations here: https://github.com/ConsumerDataStandardsAustralia/standards-maintenance. If you would like an invite please reach out to contact@consumerdatastandards.gov.au

Keep in touch

Sign up to our mailing list
If you would like to participate in any of our discussions or provide any feedback, you can do so via email to contact@consumerdatastandards.gov.au

Best regards,
The Data Standards Body