DSB | End of Week Wrap Up | 16th of July 2021

Dear Consumer Data Right participants and other interested parties,

Happy Friday all, here is the end of the week update for the Consumer Data Standards.

News and Announcements

Latest Standards, Consumer Experience, tooling and Consumer Data Right announcements.


CDR Implementation Call - 22nd of July 2021

On 22 July 2021 at 3 pm AEST, the Treasury Rules Unit will provide an overview of the intended operation of the proposed amendments and respond to questions at the CDR Implementation Call. Please email contact@consumerdatastandards.gov.au if you would like information on how to attend the call. If you have suggestions or queries that you would like the Unit to consider for this session (other than consumer privacy issues, which will be considered at the session on 28 July below), please provide these to data@treasury.gov.au by 20 July 2021.


Maintenance Iteration 8

The 8th Maintenance Iteration has commenced on the 14th of July 2021. In the first session held, the backlog has been proposed and opened for voting by the CDR Community.

You can vote on the proposed backlog here: https://github.com/ConsumerDataStandardsAustralia/standards-maintenance/projects/1

The following Decision Proposal 202 will capture the meeting minutes and future scope: https://github.com/ConsumerDataStandardsAustralia/standards/issues/202


Action Initiation Workshop

On Tuesday 27th July, the Data Standards Body (DSB) and the Treasury will be running a half-day virtual workshop on action-initiation to inform the Government's response to the Future Directions for the Consumer Data Right recommendations.

The workshop will give the community an opportunity to collaborate on the general framework for action-initiation as outlined in the Future Directions report. The workshop will include an overview from the DSB and Treasury to illustrate principles, current thinking, and potential use cases and supporting actions. Workshop participants will be required to engage in hands-on activities with other participants to develop and refine action-initiation value propositions, journey maps, and to help prioritise high value use cases and their requisite actions.

A Noting Paper has been published on the DSB's consultation page to provide the community with an opportunity to review and comment on the topic ahead of the workshop. A briefing will also be provided on a future CDR implementation call.

Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/dsb-tsy-action-initiation-workshop-topic-exploration-online-tickets-160673760543


Release Schedule

The planned release schedule for the Consumer Data Standards

  • v1.11.1: A hot fix release to address minor errata.
    • Publication date: planned for late July
  • v1.12.0+: There is no v1.12.0 currently planned.

Articles of the week

A new segment for the weekly newsletter. Our most viewed and voted articles for the week are (unchanged from last week):

Decision Proposals and Noting Papers

A list of the current open Decision Proposals:

Cross Sectors

Banking Sector

  • None at the moment.

Energy Sector

Noting Papers

Please be aware of a number of Noting Papers available for review on the Consumer Data Standards GitHub repository.

  • Noting Paper 200 - Action Initiation Framework
    • Feedback Closes: 27th of July 2021

Link: https://github.com/ConsumerDataStandardsAustralia/standards/issues/200

Workshops and Events

Find all our events here: https://consumerdatastandards.gov.au/events/

DSB & TSY | Action Initiation Workshop
Date: 27th of July 2021
Time: 12:00PM AEST
Duration: ~5:00 hours
Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/dsb-tsy-action-initiation-workshop-topic-exploration-online-tickets-160673760543

CDR Implementation Call

Regularly held on a weekly basis and enables all community members access to subject matter experts from the ACCC and Data Standards Body. If you would like an invitation please reach out to contact@consumerdatastandards.gov.au

Maintenance Iterations

The 7th Maintenance Iteration is closed and the 8th Maintenance Iteration planned, you can find out more about the phases and scope of the Maintenance Iterations here: https://github.com/ConsumerDataStandardsAustralia/standards-maintenance. If you would like an invite please reach out to contact@consumerdatastandards.gov.au

Keep in touch

Sign up to our mailing list
If you would like to participate in any of our discussions or provide any feedback, you can do so via email to contact@consumerdatastandards.gov.au

Best regards,
The Data Standards Body