DSB | End of Week Wrap Up | 21st of August

Error Handling Workshop

Thank you to all who were able to attend the Enhanced Error Handling Workshop: Consumer Experience on the 18th of August 2020. The workshop was a success with many thought provoking and insightful outcomes.

You can check out the MIRO Board here and the final state of all the groups hard work: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_knxw6Pc=/

Amending Consent Research Board

The Consumer Experience Team would like to share their current research on Amending Consent; the board is setup for everyone to access and view. If you'd like to leave a comment you can do so, via selecting it from the menu/ bar on the left hand side. Further, there are detailed notes in the 'Note' section - which you can find in the top right hand corner of the screen - click that to expand and read the detailed insights.

Amending consent research board: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_koZfnt0=/

Guides live on the site

We are proud to present a new section on the CDR Support Portal - the Guides section. Here you can find guides put together from the ACCC & DSB around various topics and we have started with two: "Joint Account Guidance" and "Guidance for data holders that elect to share PRD prior to 1 October 2020"

Check out the guides here

Java artefacts update

The Java Artefacts have been updated to support and comply with the 1.4.0 Release of the Consumer Data Standards. The update includes the following changes:

  • Updated Descriptions
  • Updated the listProducts() result set so it is sorted in descending order according to lastUpdated
  • Added the VARIABLE FeeType
  • Included a number of cosmetic changes have been made to align more closely to standards-compliant class names

Check out the latest release here: https://github.com/ConsumerDataStandardsAustralia/java-artefacts/releases/tag/cds-java-artefacts-1.4.0

4th Maintenance Iteration

The final stage in the 4th Maintenance Iteration has kicked off on Wednesday 19th of August 2020 and will run for two weeks. During this phase the recommended proposals will be provided to the Data Standards Advisory Committee for final review and then submitted to the Data Standards Chair for approval. The approved proposals will then be incorporated into the formal standards documentation.

You can find out what was covered within the meet on Wednesday 19th of August 2020 here: https://github.com/ConsumerDataStandardsAustralia/standards/wiki/DSB-Maintenance-Iteration-4:-Final-iteration-review:-Agenda-&-Meeting-Notes-(19th-August-2020)

Support Portal

The Consumer Data Right Support Portal is live and available for your convenience – this knowledge base will be a living repository which will grow over time. If you have a question and not sure where to send or ask it – make use of the support@cdr-support.zendesk.com and we will field your question to the right group.

Link to the portal: https://cdr-support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us