
The Consumer Data Standards program is being supported by various open work streams, sharing feedback and progress with the broader Australian and international community. The Engineering work stream focuses on delivering usable software components (Reference Implementations) and system artefacts (sandbox). Sign up for updates from the engineering work stream here.

The description of the artefacts are technical in nature and an overview can be found here.

September 2019 Update:

The Engineering team have updated their artefacts to align with version 1.0.0 of the Data Standards,
including the payload validation tool (available in the reference test suite). All Engineering artefacts have now been consolidated into one repository, ensuring they are more maintainable and accessible.

A focused effort is now underway to implement the InfoSec profile into our reference client, which will also be utilised to expand the capabilities of our testing tools. The team have investigated several OpenID Connect implementations and will be working with public domain software as a basis for the implementation.

We continue to work with ACCC and the Data Holders to improve the usability of our tools and assist ecosystem participants produce software that conforms to the Data standards.