
CX feedback request on high level flows for phase 2 research
Apr 16, 2019
Dear Consumer Data Right participants and other interested parties,
March ’19 | Consumer Experience Workstream
Mar 29, 2019
CX Update Dear Consumer Data Right participants and other interested parties,
CX Feedback deadline extension
Mar 15, 2019
Upon request, the CX Workstream will extend the 15th March deadline for feedback on the February '19 CX Release Package.
CX Feedback Window Closing
Mar 11, 2019
Feb '19 | Consumer Experience Release Package Dear Consumer Data Right participants and other interested p
February ’19 | Consumer Experience Workstream
Feb 27, 2019
CX Update Package Dear Consumer Data Right participants and other interested parties,
Pre-update Post
Feb 25, 2019
The Consumer Experience (CX) Workstream will soon publish a comprehensive package for feedback from the wider community. 
Welcome to the Consumer Data Standards blog!
Feb 17, 2019
The Australian Government appointed Data61 as technical advisor to the Data Standards Body within its proposed Consumer D